OK, so I haven't posted here in a while. Why? Simply, because I lost momentum! And yet again, Johnny Howell has hit the nail on the head (for me at least) with a pep talk in the Trading Room about momentum.
And I don't mean momentum indicators for technical analysis.
What I mean is momentum in life... and more importantly momentum in trading.
To keep your momentum in trading, all you need is a little study each day. Keep on top of the charts. Keep up with the news. Even if - like me - you're sitting on the bench while the "Global Credit Crunch" slams the market, at least you should stick to a routine... just 10 minutes a day will do it. If you spend just 10 minutes a day studying charts and catching up on the news, you'll be primed for the day when the door of opportunity opens again.
Now, you might be thinking to yourself that you can sit out for a while and get back into chart study later. But be warned... that is how you will LOSE YOUR MOMENTUM! You'll become out of touch with the stocks you love to trade... and it could take a lot of work for you to get up to speed again. If you're like me, when you're faced with the prospect of a massive amount of study, you're inclined to procrastinate. Don't let that happen.
Instead, keep up your momentum. Stick to your routine every day. Study the markets and stay on top of your game!
P. S.
The more I trade, the more I realize how VITAL my overall psychology is in becoming a successful trader. This post on momentum is just one tiny example. The way you behave when you face financial loss or massive profits can make or break you as a trader... and as a person. This is serious business. Just recently, people have committed suicide due to the huge financial pressure created in these falling markets. If you need help with your mind set, get yourself into the Planet Wealth Trading Room today! It's the place to be for serious traders. Not only do we get stock-picks on a daily basis, but we get mentored in trading strategies and overall psychology - all for less that $20 per hour. I really can't believe I've found this gem. I urge you to join us if you really want to make trading work for you!
7 years ago
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